
Mixing old and new, part II

As I mentioned in my last post, mixing traditional and new PR tactics is critical. This strategy can be applied to anything! And so says the story of the newest addition to my bedroom wall.

I've been collecting random plates since I moved into my current apartment (about 2 years now). I hunted through antique shops, flea markets and even my grandma's closet to put together a great collection. But, the arrangement didn't look right until I found the squared blue one (bottom right corner) at Pottery Barn. While I intended to use all antique plates, the new plate was just the right touch.

An awkward analogy, I know, but the antique plates could represent traditional PR methods while the Pottery Barn plate is the new tool that compliments the others.

I'm loving my new collection!


Katherine Strate said...

I agree, Lizzie! It's important to mix old and new. I think it will be our job as PR practitioners to do that more and more. With so many different generations in the workplace, we have to learn to integrate the new with the old. I wonder if we could find another example of this? I'll look for one. :)

Lizzie Azzolino said...

Yes, I'd be interested to see what you come up with. Thanks, Katherine!